
Co-writtenbyShakiraandJohnHill,itwasreleasedon7May2010byEpicRecordsastheofficialsongofthe2010FIFAWorldCup,whichwasheldinSouth ...,WakaWaka(feat.Freshlyground)[ThisTimeforAfrica][TheOfficial2010FIFAWorldCupSong]歌詞-Shakira夏奇拉Oooeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

Co-written by Shakira and John Hill, it was released on 7 May 2010 by Epic Records as the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which was held in South ...

Waka Waka (feat. Freshlyground) [This Time for Africa] ...

Waka Waka (feat. Freshlyground) [This Time for Africa] [The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Song]歌詞- Shakira 夏奇拉Oooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh You're a good ...

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) [The Official 2010 FIFA ...

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) [The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup (TM) Song] - Single. Shakira, Freshlyground. 試聽 聽全曲. 這首歌曲暫無歌詞,歡迎您投稿 ...


它是2010年世界盃足球賽的官方歌曲,有英語和西班牙語兩個版本,英語版為《Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)》,西班牙語版為《Waka Waka (Esto es África)》。副歌部分取 ...

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA ...

Shakira (夏奇拉)的歌曲「Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA World Cup (TM) Song) - Club Mix」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。


Co-writtenbyShakiraandJohnHill,itwasreleasedon7May2010byEpicRecordsastheofficialsongofthe2010FIFAWorldCup,whichwasheldinSouth ...,WakaWaka(feat.Freshlyground)[ThisTimeforAfrica][TheOfficial2010FIFAWorldCupSong]歌詞-Shakira夏奇拉OooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhYou'reagood ...,WakaWaka(ThisTimeforAfrica)[TheOfficial2010FIFAWorldCup(TM)Song]-Single.Shakira,Freshlyground.試聽聽全曲.這首歌曲暫無歌詞,歡迎您投...